About Mark Marando

Do you dwell on things? Do you believe you are not good enough, smart enough, or strong enough? If you could just choose one, two or more habits to redesign your lifestyle in the next few months, what would they be? Would they be habits that will have the most impact on your life?

Mark Marando is a blogger that hopes to help people answer the questions they have like these.

Before anything else, the fact that you must realize is that willpower is more powerful than any I.Q. Your willpower can overtake any thoughts or obstacles you believe are in your way. But to enrich your lifestyle, you have to create habits that allow you acceptance about every part of yourself, which is not always easy.

Since childhood, you hear comments, remarks, laughs and expectations from relatives, acquaintances, peers, colleagues, and people around you, which have often more negative connotation than a constructive meaning.

As a result, you have a low self-esteem which can be at a conscious or unconscious level. But if you could find a way to enrich your lifestyle or life altogether, it would push you to realize that you can do anything you put your mind to doing. You could learn new habits, new skills and live a more satisfying life.

May I remind you that what relatives or anyone else says or think are not the facts, but just opinions formed by others! To begin making a difference and enriching your lifestyle, you need to accept yourself as who you are and that you can be different if required.

Mark Marando